1910- 1919

1910- 1919

This was a stage where Carterton dominated the Senior competition, with wins in 1907,08,10,11,12,13.

Outside honours were:
North Island:A.Desmond 1911 and 1913, H.J.McKenzie 1913.
North Island Country: G.Mason, A.Desmond, N.A.McKenzie all 1911.
North Island B: H.J.McKenzie 1914.

In 1914, the Third grade team won its first championship. The members of this team were: G.Wilton, N. Daysh. A. Reid, R. Reading, J. Warrington, B.Sewell, W. Daysh, C. Church, R. Parker, R. Reid, B. Rayner, N. Nicholls (captain), N. Mason, s. Bishop, H. Salisbury and W. Biddle.

The end of the 1914 season saw the beginning of the First World War. Club members assisted the establishment of a Patriotic Fund with the playing of an ‘Old Timers’ match.

Here is a report from the ‘Wairarapa Daily News’ on
5th October. 1914:
Desperate Attacks and Repulses Following on the preliminaries of the declaration of war between General W. Howard Booth and Field Marshal G. H. Perry, a large force of fifteen of the Veteran Rugby Guards of Masterton, led by their beloved Field Marshal, took the field strongly entrenched behind the halfway line against Carterton’s ponderous army of fifteen Oldsters, led by the famous General Booth. Major Iggulden opened fire, and a well directed ball landed right in the Centre of the opposing army, but before it had time to explode, the last line of Carterton’s reserves (and it was a big line by name of E. McKenzie) bravely gathered the ball to him, and applying his own mortar with good effect, sent it hurtling back through the air, and it dropped with a sickening thud right into the arms of Field Marshal Perry. A groan of apprehension went up from both armies and the spectators, but far from falling under the shock of such a deadly blow, the gallant Field Marshal rose to the exigencies of the circumstances, and grasping the ball firmly streaked as fast as he could towards the enemy’s left. Smashing all opposition he fired the ball and it fell outside the active zone. Carterton returned the attack, and following fast upon the flight of the shell, the advance posts fixed bayonets, and led by Corporal C.Reid, Privates Deller, C.Fairbrother, T.V.Moore, C.Moore and J.McKenzie, carried the fight right into the enemy’s country. Here Captain Smart opportunely arrived with reinforcements, and such was the vigour of his assault that the first of the enemy’s fortified positions fell and Carterton captured three points. E.McKenzie added the necessary insult which increased the score to five points.

In the next half hour the enemy made frantic and heroic cfiorts to regain their former position, but the defence of the Allies was superb. and the continual brilliant sorties of both sides elicited great cheering. Suddenly the Death’s Heads, Field Marshal Perry‘s favourite troops, made a dashing forward move and carried the battle over the Allies’ centre entrenchment. Here the Allies made zi false move, and Field Marshal Perry, with the decision of 21 genius, marked the occasion, and brought his big gun, Alec Gray, into position. One shot from this tremendous ordinance was sufficient, and the Allies’ goal fell three points. This livened the Allies up a bit, and their sorties and concerted attacks were brilliant. The carnage was horrible. One man had half an ear shot away, while all, more or less, were bandaged round the legs. Still they fought on undaunted, and only the generalship of Field Marshal Perry and likewise the self-sacrifice or his noble officers, Majors Sir Billy Watson and Sir Rody Gray, averted total annihilation. Again and again were general attacks repulsed, until at last it was seen that General Booth’s army, in spite of constant urging, began to fail. The famous General, perceiving this, gathered his forces for a supreme effort, and for some moments the battle raged about the enemy’s rear-most entrenchments. Piles of wounded lay thickly strewn about the ground but a small detachment, led gamely by Sergeant Clarry Moore, penetrated the line and made three more points prisoners. Carterton’s big gun failed to capture two more points, who escaped him by passing the outpost.

For some time after this the battle raged. but not with the same vigour and dash as at the commencement. Ammunition was evidently running out, and after a few more attacks and counter attacks both sides asked for an armistice, which was gratefully accepted.

Both armies retired in perfect order to the Marquis Hotel, where plans for a further battle were discussed. This engagement will probably take place at Masterton next Saturday. At the present time the honours of battle rest with Carterton, who made prisoners of 8 points, while they lost only 3 points. General Booth expresses himself as very satisfied, and Field Marshal Perry feels confident that at the next engagement honours will rest with him.

Colonel Herberto McKenziano acted the part of Italy and took neither side, merely acting as arbiter in small matters.

The Major desires us to express his thanks to Mr W.Howard Booth. who originated, promoted and organised the match, and to whose initiative and energy the successful result is mainly due. In addition to Mr Booth, the Mayor also wishes to thank the Misses Mona Skelley, K. and M.Deller, B.McDonald and M.Archer for their successful efiorts in ticket selling the gatekeepers, and all other helpers.

Soon there was a steady stream of members leaving the ranks of the Club for the ranks of the Army. The Senior 1916 competition. In 1918 all thoughts of Senior competition in Wairarapa were abandoned. The Third grade competition each year became weaker. The Club did win, the team won the competition in 1917, but by this time, the competition was mostly Under 18. During the war, some 70 club members served overseas. Of these 21 were killed, while many others had their playing careers terminated by war wounds. 1919 then saw the Club back to where it had been in 1899—in need of re-building.

So ends the second phase of our history. The Club had been well served by its oflicers.

The Presidents were: J.T.M.Hornsby 1900-1906, Chas. Reid 1907-1913, H.Dooley 1914-1915, T.V.Moore 1916 and E.McKenzie 1917-1919

Secretaries were: W.L.Armstrong 1900-1901, L.H.Smart 1902-1905, J.M.Nicholls 1906-1910, N.A.McKenzie 1911, H.J.McKenzie 1912-1914, C.E.Lee and H.Matson 1915, H.Matson 1916, R.Berrill 1917-1918 and H.J.McKenzie 1919.